
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Let's go camping! (Backyard camping that is)

Took a little break from work today and decided to make a backyard tent for the babies!  This was a pretty simple task.  Just some rope, two trees, a couple yards of fabric, tent anchors, some pillow stuffing, and voila!  We had ourselves a backyard tent!  
And, a new favorite place to have dessert in the evening.

I made our tent from a bolt of fabric that I've had for years.  I was hanging on to it to do something special with.  I think this was the perfect time to use it!

I had enough fabric left to make a little blanket and matching pillows.

Had the hubby tie a long piece of rope between two trees to hang the tent over.  I sewed three loops on each side of the tent to hook anchors through.

Daddy and the babies enjoying the evening. 

Dub really liked sitting in it.

 This is the inside view looking up.  It's like real camping!

 Baby girl liked her new tent so much she wanted to take a nap.

 Backyard by candlelight...

Night night...

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