
Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

It is springtime.  Nothing welcomes spring more than Easter.  Such a beautiful time of year.  So full of promise and optimism.  Here are some pics of our little bunch and what we were up to this Easter.

Easter morning.
William is showing sis that the Easter bunny did in fact visit and 
there are treats on the front porch!

Easter bunny left baskets with goodies!


My sweet dad, Will, and me.

My mom, Tay, and Will Pie.

Jim and I.

This rosebush lives on the side of our house.  The sprinkler system is not set up to water this part of the yard.  How this flower found a way to bloom in spite of the drought is  a good life lesson.

Grandma and Tinkerella.

Sweet little ponytail.

Daddy and the babies.

Easter egg hunt!

Our Easter dessert, s'mores!

Our babies.

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!!! Looks like you guys had fun! Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!
