
Monday, April 30, 2012

1:1 Upcycled Fashions from Therapy

Here is a little preview of what I'll be showing at the May First Friday Art Trail in Lubbock!  This is my first go at the monthly Art Trail and I am so excited!  I've been hard at work over the past few weeks and all the hard work is paying off.  I'm so please with the pieces I am creating.  I've been in this creative state, a buzz really, over the past month.  I hope it never goes away! I took a much needed break this past weekend and headed to Dallas with my sister Val and my hubby Jim.  Jim had a conference, and I had the urge to get outta' town, away from work, and just do nothing for a few days.  Incidentally, I started reading the book "50 Shades of Grey".  Oh. My.  Thinking of naming a new piece after one of the characters or perhaps the book itself.

Here are my new pieces!  

Gypsy Cowgirl Tunic
This sweet little dress is made of an antique linen tablecloth and lace tablecloth.  I am so pleased with the results!  I'll be sportin' this sweet little number all summer!  Looks fab with a belt, cowboy boots and chunky jewelry, or even just flip flops.

The Micaela Dress
This pretty little dress is made of a beautiful yellow linen tablecloth.  The gorgeous eyelet border of the tablecloth is now the hem of the dress.

The sassy little bow makes it even more chic!

The Micaela Dress
I fell in love with this fabric at the fabric store!  I bought all they had and alas there was only enough for one dress.  This will be the only one in this print.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

It is springtime.  Nothing welcomes spring more than Easter.  Such a beautiful time of year.  So full of promise and optimism.  Here are some pics of our little bunch and what we were up to this Easter.

Easter morning.
William is showing sis that the Easter bunny did in fact visit and 
there are treats on the front porch!

Easter bunny left baskets with goodies!


My sweet dad, Will, and me.

My mom, Tay, and Will Pie.

Jim and I.

This rosebush lives on the side of our house.  The sprinkler system is not set up to water this part of the yard.  How this flower found a way to bloom in spite of the drought is  a good life lesson.

Grandma and Tinkerella.

Sweet little ponytail.

Daddy and the babies.

Easter egg hunt!

Our Easter dessert, s'mores!

Our babies.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sante Fe...

Our friends and us took a much needed getaway this past weekend.  We went to Santa Fe and enjoyed a weekend filled with good wine, delicious food, cool art, shopping, and flamenco dancing!  Here are some pics of a few stops we made.

Holy Spirit Espresso, the best coffee in Santa Fe.

Post cards from around the world adorn Holy Spirit's coffee stand.  Going to try to remember to send them one from Lubbock, TX!

Is this europa or New Mexico?

Beautiful gardens surrounding La Sena where we had brunch.

La Sena

My sweet hubby and I.

The group!

Our sweet friend's Barnard and Darby.

Thought this storefront was so beautiful!

Burro Alley Cafe.

Adios Santa Fe!  Muchas gracias por un viaje muy bonita!