
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

DIY T-Shirt Headband

It was around week two of recovering from my tonsillectomy that I had finally had enough of sitting still.  I knew that I could not start any new projects that were going to be to intensive and I knew I had to still take it relatively easy.  I had been wanting to make Miss Micaela a few little headbands.  So, I played around with some jersey knit that I had, but it was looking a little bulky.  I decided that in order to stick with my new profound sense of upcycling that I would track down items that I was no longer using and would Cut. Them. Up.  I went into my closet and decided to reuse old t-shirts that I was not ever going to wear again. T-shirts from spring break's past and shirts that I'd been hanging onto for one reason or another.  And, I must say that cutting and tearing into t-shirts after being bed ridden for two weeks was awesome.  It was Therapy many times over!

I encourage you to clean out the closet, reuse fabrics you have.  Don't stop with t-shirts.  You can reuse scarves, belts, jackets, shoes, and on and on.  You'd be surprised what great colors and fabrics you can make things out of if you just look to what you have.  Get to cuttin' up!  I'm looking forward to sporting a few of these myself!

T-shirt hot pink headband.


Try to use fabrics that have stretch to them.  This will give the wearer longer use.

Black tulle and pearls were added to this one.



1. For headband, measure from top of forehead to back of head (top of neck).  Add about an inch for sewing.

2. Decide how wide you want your headband, then double it or fold fabric in half.  You will be sewing two headband pieces together.  My headbands were around 2"-3".  If you make them too thick it is a little harder for tiny heads to keep them on.  

3.  Cut two headband pieces of the same size based on your measurements.

4.  Sew two pieces right side together, leaving ends open for turning.  If you sew the ends this will add bulk to back of headband.

5. Sew ends of headband together to form full circle. Try on headband and then trim access fabric.

6.  Cut pieces for flowers.  I will be posting a tutorial on how I made mine very soon.  But, in the meantime there are tons of tutorials online.  

7.  Sew your flowers.  In order to add dimension and interest, make your flowers all different sizes.

8.  Hot glue or sew on rhinestones, pearls, beads, etc.

9. Hot glue or sew your flowers onto headband.

10. Wear and enjoy! 

This headband is something baby girl wears almost daily.  We have lots of pink outfits!  I added rhinestones to the center of the flowers.


  1. Great post Marc!
    You are so very talented. Was you Spring Break in Cancun t-shirt included in this upcycle? Party time!

    1. Thank you so much, Val! Oh, you know there's a Señor Frogs shirt in there somewhere ;)! Thanks for reading!
