
Sunday, February 26, 2012

DIY Display Frame


I love etsy.  What a great site for artists to go and make their beautiful pieces accessible to folks around the globe.  I embarked on my etsy page a few years ago and was thrilled with the results.  I kind of took a break from my store over the past year.  After the third baby things got, well....a little cray-cray around here.  Third baby is now 2 so things have slowed down a little bit.  Who am I kidding?  They haven't slowed down, they've sped up!  Maybe we've just gotten better at managing everything.

Now that things have gotten a little more manageable I've started to sew and create things again.  Recently I've started upcycling clothing items into flower headbands.  I started out making them for baby girl.  But, as I was making the headbands I had enough fabric leftover to make more.  So, I decided that I'd start up the ole' etsy store once again!  

I wanted a cute way to display my Therapy creations.  I knew what I wanted, and had an idea in mind.  All I needed were some upcycling items to make it happen.  One old frame, a blank canvas and some paint later and voila!  I had a new display board to really help my pieces stand out.  I am going to make more of these and just hang them up as artwork.  The options are endless as far as theme and colors go.  Here are the tools and steps to create your own.   


Old frame
Spray paint
Hot glue gun 
Staple gun
Dark paint for antiqued effect
Paint sponge or brush 


1. Spray paint old frame till desired color is reached

2. To add antiqued effect lightly dab your sponge or brush into your darker contrasting paint.  Gently brush small strokes on the frame on corners and edges of until antiqued look is achieved.  Go slow and press lightly.  You can always go back and add more.

3.  Cover your canvas with desired fabric or paint by either gluing or stapling back of canvas

4.  In order to keep canvas in place, cover the back with something that will hold it in.  I used a piece of inexpensive muslin.  You could even use paper or a paper grocery sack.  The thicker the paper the better (at Hobby Lobby they use paper to hold in a canvas).

5. Attach hanging wire, twine, or ribbon to back of frame.  If your frame does not have hangers you can easily add them.  You can find frame hangers at any home improvement store, Hobby Lobby, Michael's, etc.

6.  Hang your beautiful creation and enjoy!

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